I am not a doctor or medical professional. I am a girl living with a chronic illness with my own experiences. I am constantly learning and looking for ways to improve my health and help others struggling with similar situations.
This website is not intended to diagnose medical conditions, or replace any health care providers. I would not be as stable as I am without the help of mine! I do not give medical advice and nothing should be taken as medical advice. All content is for informational purposes; none of this content is evaluated by the FDA.
All of this content is my own. If you want to share it, great! But, please do not take it as your own.
No products or services will be discussed unless I really love them. I don't talk about things unless I truly believe they add value! As always, if you have any questions on anything that I write about, please don't hesitate to contact me. I do hope that you can find inspiration in my writing.